Walk To The Elephant Caves

Walk to the Elephant caves

Walk to the Elephant caves : Between Ngorongoro and Manyara, a walk to the elephant caves can be taken from the Karatu area. After spending a lot of time sitting still on a safari, you can choose to take a 2-hour hike to the Elephant Caves and Endoro waterfalls.

The track’s beginning is near Gibbs Farm in Karatu Town. You’ll have a knowledgeable guide with you. As you hike through the Ngorongoro Rainforest, you will be passing through an animal corridor that connects the Ngorongoro Crater to Lake Manyara National Park. You will be able to take in all the splendor of the natural world and the incredible bird life while taking a stroll through an unspoiled forest. Your guide will describe the animal’s footprints and tracks to you.

Why are the elephant caves known as such? These enormous creatures used to visit the calcium-rich rocks, strike them with their tusks, and eat the sand that fell from them. By doing this, they helped the elephants get enough minerals to strengthen their bones. Because the large holes are still present, this location is known as “elephant caves.”

 You will be able to get very close and even enter the caves to see tusk signs. Near the caves, there is a small river called the Endoro, and because the older elephants choose this location to spend their final years before dying, some people also refer to it as an elephant burial ground.

Walk to the Elephant caves


It is easiest to travel there from Arusha by car or bus. On a good road, it will take just over two hours to travel 150 kilometers. Kilimanjaro Airport (JRO), which is about 45 minutes from Arusha, serves as the city’s primary international airport.

 Taking a bus or dala-dala is a more affordable choice. This may require up to three hours and cost 5000–7000 TSH. These are frequently crowded, and because they are so inexpensive, comfort is frequently sacrificed. Generally speaking, it is best to take a bus that arrives before dusk for safety reasons.

A small plane to the Lake Manyara airstrip is also suggested if you want to spend a little more money. On their way to the Serengeti, Coastal Aviation and Air Excel both offer flights for about $100 from Arusha to Manyara.

 In contrast to Kilimanjaro Airport, where you might have arrived via an international flight, this flight is likely departing from Arusha Airport, a small local airport. It takes about 30 minutes to get to Karatu from the Manyara airstrip, whether you take a taxi or a transfer we set up for you.


 Village Walk, Mto wa Mbu

Take a two-hour stroll through the nearby farming community of Mto wa Mbu, which is notable for housing more than 120 distinct tribes. You will pass by the market, neighborhood homes (known as shambas in the local Swahili), schools, and milling equipment during the stroll. Choose between eating lunch at a friend’s house or at the Swahili Canteen.

 Village Walk, Mto wa Mbu

Village Tuk-Tuk Ride

You can choose to take the tour in a local Tuk-Tuk, a three-wheeled vehicle with open sides so you can take in all the sights, sounds, and smells, if the walk is too taxing or you’d like to experience it in a different way.

Maasai Boma Tour

You may have the opportunity to visit a Maasai boda, which is a group of huts where the Maasai live. This is a popular activity with many people. This is the most genuine opportunity you’ll ever have to live with a semi-nomadic tribe and observe how they conduct their daily lives. You can get traditional tattoos painted, learn about Maasai culture, or even help milk their prized cows!

Maasai Boma Tour

Maasai Market Tour

If your stay is on a Thursday, you might go souvenir shopping at the nearby Maasai market. Thousands of Maasai from the area congregate to display their crafts and food, including the famous BBQ!

Canoeing Lake Manyara (Lake Manyara National Park)

You’ll be paddling a canoe through a real national park. Lake Manyara is known for housing 400 different species of birds and is home to an incredible variety of wildlife. From the safety of your canoe, you could also get up close to buffalos, giraffes, and even elephants. This is an experience you won’t soon forget, thanks to the breathtaking scenery and peace.

Biking at Mto Wa Mbu and the Great Rift Valley

Mountain bike through the farming community of Mto wa Mbu to explore the various historical and cultural attractions available there. Cycle to the lakeshore after the village tour for breathtaking views of the Rift Valley, the lake, and perhaps some wildlife.

Biking at Mto Wa Mbu and the Great Rift Valley

Quad-biking Tour

Experience the fun of riding a quadbike while taking various tours around Karatu. A well-liked excursion is the Coffee Tour, which involves traveling through local farms before arriving at a picturesque coffee estate in the Ngorongoro foothills. After receiving a brief introduction to coffee farming and roasting, you can chow down on a delectable picnic lunch that is both picturesque (because of the surroundings and the picnic itself!) and leads up to the Lake Manyara escarpment.

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