Mount Longido
Mount Longido, one of the beautiful and tallest mountain in Tanzania, is situated close to the Namanga border between Kenya and Tanzania in the Longido District of the Arusha Region. Its elevation is 2,637 meters above sea level. The main trail leading to the peak begins in Longido. Although the ascent can be completed in a single day, it is more common for climbers to spend one night in a tented camp on the mountain before reaching the summit the following day.
It is situated in the Mount Longido forest reserve near the Kenyan border, about a 1.5-hour drive from the city of Arusha. The Massai people live in this region. Although Mount Longido can be climbed in a single day, spending the night there and summiting the following day is definitely worthwhile.
Starting in the small town of Longido, the main route to the summit takes you through a lush forest with a variety of wildlife and up to a rocky peak. Along the way, you’ll pass gorgeous exotic trees, flowers, and creatures like birds and buffalo. The three vegetation zones on Mount Longido are dry, rain forest, and moorland. Its peak offers breathtaking views of the Maasai territory in Tanzania and Kenya.
The mountain has a variety of ecosystems. You are in a dry area at first, but as you ascend you soon enter a wooded area. Enjoy the tranquil sounds of nature at this location. You’ll notice that as you climb, the air will start to get muggier and the forest will start to resemble a rainforest more. The mountain’s peak, which rises above the treetops and provides a breathtaking view of the stunning surroundings, will then be reached. From up here, you can also see Mount Meru and Mount Kilimanjaro!
You will be led on your trek by Maasai warriors. Buffaloes are another well-known feature of the mountain. The Maasai watch out for your safety as you ascend. They are aware of every stunning location and difficulty encountered during the ascent.
Sometimes people climb Mount Longido, which is right next to Mount Meru, to prepare for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. In addition to the climb itself (which takes eight to ten hours), Longido offers a nice introduction to Maasai culture by taking visitors to several bomas and the Wednesday cattle market. The hamlet is easily reached by Daladala. The mountain and settlement are situated on the Tanzania-Kenya border, 80 kilometers north of Arusha and immediately east of the main route between Arusha and Namanga.
The Mount Longido Forest Reserve contains the rocky summit of Mount Longido (2,629m), which is about 1.5 hours’ drive from Arusha. To reach the peak, hikers must ascend more than 1300 meters through the forest, which is difficult and strenuous.
Longido is a strenuous hike that involves a lot of sun exposure and offers no water along the way, but it is breathtaking and offers absolutely stunning views of Kenya and Tanzania.
The length of a hike varies greatly depending on your speed and the weight of your gear. The climb up will take about five hours, and the descent will take about three. Of course, your ability to climb hills while carrying things depends on that.
You can start your hike at 1 p.m. and get to the summit right around 5 p.m., in time for sunset. The next morning, you could carefully descend for two to three hours, pausing at Leopard Rock for a satisfyingly long break. This hike is fairly demanding because of the steep gradient. You will ascend more than 1300 meters in just one day.
6.5 kilometers will be covered at altitude. By the time you get to the peak, you should be exhausted because the walk will have raised you to a height of 2,629 meters. The surroundings are rocky, dusty, and overgrown. There are a few places where you must be on your toes, but there are no significant drops or exposed areas. In general, if you can handle the altitude, heat, and being surrounded by shrubs, you should be fine. Hike elevation gain: 1380 meters.
Mount Longido is located within the Mount Longido Forest Reserve. It is actually close to the town of Namanga, near the Kenyan-Tanzanian border. A straight road with grasslands on either side connects Arusha to Longido. As you approach Mount Longido, you can see it for the majority of the route. The journey to Longido settlement from Arusha takes 15 hours.
Mount Longido can be reached in a number of ways, and since it is halfway between Namanga and Arusha, there are lots of public transportation options available.
Public Transport
There are several routes from Arusha to Mount Longido. First and foremost, a public minibus (the Shuttle) that travels between Arusha and Namanga is available. You can either get off at Longido and walk the short distance to the tourism office, or you can simply board one of the buses that travel from Arusha town to Nairobi.
Private Transport
In order to make the Mount Longido safari trip more comfortable, we can arrange for a private van with Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and a driver who will help you with everything when you get to Longido. If you’re traveling with a group, it’s definitely more expensive than using public transportation, but the trip will be much more comfortable.
With a height of 2637 meters, this mountain is the underdog and the soul of the Tanzanian highlands. When compared to Mount Meru or Mount Kilimanjaro, Longido is not the most beautiful peak, but it is excellent for “off the beaten path” climbing. Do you want to spend two days hiking on a mountain that seems to be all your own? You have come to the right place.