3 Days Serengeti  Wildlife Safari 

3 Days serengeti  wildlife safari

Take yourself on a select 3 Days serengeti  wildlife safari  , the trip is a brief one but offers a whole new experience of the Tanzania wildlife, first you will get to see the land that looks endless dotted with several trees and littered with wildlife including the big five.

Brief Itinerary

Day 1:  Pick up from Arusha and transfer to Serengeti National park.

Day 2:  Whole day experience of Serengeti national park.

Day 3:  Return to Arusha.

Detailed itinerary.

Day 1: Transfer from Arusha to Serengeti National park.

Early in the morning after breakfast, you will be picked from your hotel in Arusha and you will embark on a drive to Serengeti national park, through the lush countryside constituted of hills and scenic views.  The drive to Serengeti will take you approximately 4 hours and 30 minutes.  upon arrival, you will head straight for lunch and a brief relaxation. After the break you will   embark on a game drive in the park to begin your wildlife experience, as you drive through the plains and savanna just prepare you cameras to capture the best shots of whatever comes your way in regards to the wildlife.  Be of the alert of the big cats and the have their kills, watched out for the towering giraffes gently moving as the feed on leaves, see  the wildebeest scampering from one place to another.  Later after the drive head back to your lodge for dinner and overnight stay

Day 2:  Full day experience of Serengeti National park.

Early in the morning after breakfast, you will set off for one of a kind experiences that you can only dream of, the thrills involved in gently cruising through the savanna with a sure expectation of seeing what you envisioned come to pass. See the large herds of elephants feeding and gently making their way from one part to another, to the cheetahs running carefully and disappearing the long grass, to the gazelles grazing, the ostriches making gentle runs in the savanna. The experience is endless and your expectations can be quenched through   the full day game drive. The game drive can be done in half with a lunch break at the lodge or can be a full day drive with a picnic lunch in the wild. The options is yours whatever you are flexible with is what is considered.

Dinner and overnight at the lodge.

Day 3: Depart Serengeti and transfer to Arusha for your flight back home.

Early in the morning after breakfasts, if time allows you will do another brief run in the park to wish your goodbyes to the wild later.  Later you transfer back to Arusha in time for your flight back home.

End of 3 Days serengeti  wildlife safari

The safari includes

Park entry and activities.

Accommodation on  full board basis.

Transportation to and the park  in a 4×4 safari landcruiser.

Service of an English-speaking guide.

Box of drinking water on board.

Safari Exclusives

What is not in the inclusive.


Out bound flights

Tanzania Travel Destinations




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